Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 23 - 337.1

Phew!! I'm whooped!!! The last people just left.

We hosted a get-together at our house. Lizzie was confirmed this morning at church, so my sister flew in from Chicago for the day. Since she was coming, we invited Scott's parents and his brothers and their families. I also invited two other families whose daughters were confirmed this morning, and four neighbor families.

Made enough food for an army. Cleaned all week. Deep cleaning - as in going through boxes of papers that had been there for quite a while. 

So, this morning, we are still sweeping and cleaning. Not sure what Scott did while I was gone all day yesterday but it wasn't cleaning the main portion of the house!!! Ended up tossing more stuff in my scrapbook space. Which is really bad since it was the area I never touched all week. But, the rest of the house looks far better than it has in probably two years.

I started going into my frantic bitch overdrive this morning and really bit my tongue so that I didn't yell at Scott. I'm the one who is home all week. Why didn't I get more cleaning done?

Scott said he actually liked the fact that I had gone into overdrive because for too long I've been far more of the attitude: Oh, well. It seems I'm definitely getting a little more spunk back. Finally.

But, we had 12 adults and 10 children here. All at the same time. They didn't eat nearly enough food!!! But, we had a good time. It was lots of fun and everyone enjoyed getting to visit. My kids got to see four of their cousins whom they don't get to see often. And a couple of the neighbor kids were here. 

And, now, I'm in the afterglow. Everything is cleaned up. Dishes are in the dishwasher. Food is put away. It's time to run the washer and go to bed! Yes, it is only 6pm. But, it's bed time!!!

And, I had absolutely no problems eating only what I should and could. Since I made most of the food, I pre-planned what I would eat and I stuck to it. Wasn't even tempted by the cut cookies my sister made and brought from Chicago, nor the brownies my mother-in-law made, nor the ice cream sundaes that we provided. I had a small bowl of Fat Free Cool Whip and was happy. smile

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19

Finally made it to McConnell Health Center to start my exercise program!! As part of Fresh Start, we get a 12 week membership to the Health Center. It is an amazing facility! I met with Monica and she walked me around and started me on a few pieces. I tried a recumbent step machine which wasn't too bad. The recumbent elliptical was bad. Got on the treadmill and the recumbent bike for a bit. About 20 minutes total exercise. My goal is to get over there 3x per week. Which can include classes. There are tons of classes I want to take!!! Yoga, water aerobics, etc. Can't wait! Need to get the schedule in here with my calendar and decide what I'm doing.

And, it'll be nice to be able to exercise in the air conditioning this summer. I'm still having issues with my humidity intolerance, so I'm not sure how I'll do outside. But, if I can do the Health Center 3-4 times per week and walk around the neighborhood with Scott in the evenings...

On Sundays, they have a family day. Usually a guest is $10. On Sundays, a guest is $5 and your kids are free. I can at least drag Scott there once a week. Doubt if I would actually take the kids.

I also have to start thinking forward to what I'm going to do as far as exercise after this program is finished. Will I join the Y again? Or another place? Or... Cost is an issue, of course. Convenience. Willingness to go. Location. Lots to think about!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

May 16

349.3 Only 9 pounds away from being able to get on the Wii Fit!! Woohoo!!!

My manicure is awesome. It is a frequent reminder of how well I'm doing. I'll have to remember that for my 100 pound reward. Hmmm...

I'm definitely getting more energy. I've been cleaning. Focusing on self-contained places so there is a definite stopping point. But, I cleaned the refrigerator. Took each of the shelves out and scrubbed them down. This is not a common occurrence, so it took a while. But, it felt really good to finish it. Of course, Lizzie looked in and said: "Gee. Now it's obvious we have nothing to eat." Which it kind of was. I guess I need to work on some meals with leftovers that the kids will eat and enjoy.

I have been revising my eating. I stop to get something when I'm out. Then I can only eat a few bites. So I take a box to go. It's getting kind of frustrating. I really need to quit going places or only ordering a side dish. For example, Old Bag. I get the cup of clam chowder and I am nicely filled. So, this week, I tried the fish tacos. Well, I didn't realize she gave me the meal size rather than the appetizer size, which meant I got a side. I finished my cup of clam chowder and should have stopped. I took a couple of bites of the fish tacos and fought with keeping that down for the next several hours. I still somehow think I can eat more than I can. Went to Frisch's planning to get a side of something. Got an omelet. It was good. But, I couldn't eat much. So, that will be my lunch today. It would be better if I didn't stop at all, of course. But, I can't relax and read at home the way I can at a restaurant. Still need to work on that. Oh, Marcy!

Went through my pajamas and my underwear. Had a big stack of pjs to pass on. Only kept 3X and smaller.  And not even winter of 3X. Same with underwear. Boxed up my larger size and moving on to the next smaller size. And threw away any that were ripped. Not dealing with that!

I need to do different cleaning. My sister is coming in next Sunday for Lizzie's Confirmation. We're going to have a little party here to celebrate. I'm also going to celebrate Scott's graduation as part of it. So, I need to be focusing on the family room. My desk. The kitchen. My scrapbooking area. Basically the entire first floor. Instead I'm working on small areas of my bedroom. Each of the downstairs spaces feels too major to get into. I don't feel like I have enough energy to do the whole thing, so I don't even focus on a little part. Not good. Need to start working on that tonight. Maybe I will watch my Sunday night shows down here and work on some of these boxes of paperwork that are scattered around. That's the biggest problem in the family room. The boxes that all the stuff gets shoved to get it out of the way and then never get gone through. Imagine that!! If I just look at each box as self-contained, maybe I can make some progress.

We had to have a burial for one of the hamsters. The Teddy Bear hamster that we got from a teacher at Avery died. We figure he was between 4 and 5. Which is old for a hamster. And, he had a huge mass on his throat. But, he had a good life. He came to us with the name Carl Winslow and kept the name but was also called Fuzzy or Big Fuzzy. When he got out of his cage, he would end up behind the refrigerator with a stash of dog food. He was a great hamster. In the hamster races, he not only didn't place in the race, he rolled backwards a little bit. The World's Laziest Hamster. We miss you, Fuzzy!

I also need to get a new bra. As my body is shrinking, I've been tightening up my bra. Well, I realized that as you tighten your bra, it tightens the back, but it results in the front getting kind of spread apart. I feel like my boobs are heading for my underarms. Talk about lack of cleavage!! And, I'm sure I'm down in cup size. I used to be a D. I've been a C for a while. I may be down to a B at this point. Or at least on the small size of C. I'll never be flat, but I am definitely not as well endowed as I used to be!! And it isn't all just gravity! I probably need to go to a real lingerie store and get measured. I always hated that, but I need to be fitted properly.

Friday I had my 3 month appt with my general practitioner. The last time I was at this weight was in 2002. Wow. And, those were about the earliest records she has from me. The sad thing is that I still have clothes that are smaller than this. Which means I have clothes that I haven't been able to wear in 10 years. Huh. I guess that is a good thing. It's not like I've ever been so stylish that anything would be out of style. And, fewer clothes that I have to purchase! I'm wearing an outfit this morning for church that is a 3X. Can't remember when I last wore it. And it's very cute. Felt like new clothes!!

Well, I need to take my measurements and update that file. I haven't been doing a very good job of keeping track of those. And, I need to get exercising. I haven't really done anything other than a little bit of walking. Bad Wendie! Part of my new Life is to exercise on a regular basis. There is no way I can get down to my goal of 150 (180) without exercise. Oh, Marcy!!! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

50 pounds GONE!!!

On Mother's Day, appropriately, I weighed 345 pounds. Which means I have lost 50 pounds!! Woohoo!!! I rewarded myself today. I got a manicure! I love having someone else massage my hands! It was wonderful. And it was only $22. Not bad!

Sunday, May 02, 2010

May 2 - I need to lose an overweight person!

I just upated my ticker and saw that I "only" need to lose 198.6 pounds!! So, I went to look at a BMI Index chart. The amount of weight I need to lose now qualifies as an overweight person, not an obese person!! WOOHOO!!!