sigh. Working lots of Cookie Booths to support the Girl Scouts. Some of them actually with my Girl Scout! So frustrated with so many things in my life.
Work/Subbing - love not having to bring anything home with me but am so bored when I just hand out a worksheet and babysit. Last week with OGT was even worse. Then the teacher (who has been bad-mouthed by students all day as to how many days he is out and how, even when he is there, all he does is do worksheets) mentions that he heard that i didn't make the kids work when he stops in at the end of the day. You know what? I'm a sub. You want them to do more, don't take a day off!!! I take anything students say with a grain of salt, but...
Work/Editing - I'm so sick of not getting paid in a timely manner. 6 weeks later??? Seriously? Visa doesn't listen to that!! I'm so behind on money it isn't funny. I have six more opportunities sitting here to apply for. Need to get on that. Instead of whining...
Work/Tutoring - one student = fabulous. Mom is great about paying me and he is great. Other student (home instruction through Hilliard) sucks. Terrible about cancelling at the last minute. Just found out that I am supposed to be helping in all areas, not just math and science. Really??? I suck at World Studies. Had to call Scott to ask a question because I didn't know and couldn't find it in the textbook. sigh. Not liking home instruction!! Need more regular tutoring jobs.
Scouts - ready to move forward into my new position, can't. Hasn't been announced, yet. Hurry up and wait. The story of my life.
Family - ssdd. Alexis bored by everything if it isn't a video game. Five mile hike on a beautiful day with frogs and snakes sunning themselves - he is bored. Lizzie can't move past how put upon she is to do anything for anyone else. Scott was proud of himself that he folded clothes. Left mine and both kids' piled on my side of the bed, but he folded clothes. And bitch is still in contact. Whatever!!!
House - during what spare moment do I do anything beyond the basics? I'm just trying to keep in livable. I'm making dinner and trying to keep the living space decent. Can't buy groceries because we have no money. sigh.
My parents did say they would pay for my classes to get my certificate current. Very generous. Adds to the guilt in my life. grrr...
I guess this is the life I have made for myself. Just not really happy.