Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 4

No slip-ups!! Woohoo!! Have started Day 4 and am going well on it. It's been rough. Yesterday I was offered lunch while working Kindergarten Screening. Nice, but wouldn't take no. Finally did, but almost had to get rude. Then I got to school for the Book Fair and they had fresh Papa John's pizza in the office. And it was in the middle of lunch time so the smells were wafting out. FOOD!!

The only problem is that my blood sugars are up. Not supposed to be above 150. Was at 185 this morning. So, I will have to add a small dose of diabetic medication. I'm checking my sugars twice a day, so hopefully it will balance out quickly. One friend had the idea that since I am shrinking my liver, it is squeezing extra sugars out. Could very well be! Hope it stabilizes quickly!

Otherwise just very tired. My parents are worried because I'm so tired. Well, the schedule I'm keeping and only eating 500 calories a day, what do you expect???

At least next week is Spring Break. We get to sleep in!! Planning to do the zoo, a movie or two, something else. Not sure exactly what. Not eat!!

Added later:
Got back from working the book fair and checked my blood sugar: 124. Now I just have to be careful that it doesn't go too low. :)

1 comment:

Dawn said...

So proud of you, Wendie. Keep up the good work. I deal with diabetics at school everyday and your numbers are 'ok'. My kinds go over 400 sometimes, and down to 50. When it starts getting high....drink water like a fish!