Sunday, August 15, 2010

294.6 - August 15, 2010

Wow. How exciting was that? I stepped on the scale and saw a number less than 295. That is 100.4 pounds lost!!! Since Feb. 16!!!

It has been a fabulous trip! Even when my food doesn't settle well, it has been worth it to see the numbers come down so quickly.

And, today, I joined LifeTime Fitness. A friend of mine goes there and needs a ride to be able to go more often. So, I will run up and pick her up and we will both work out. It will make sure that I go. I will go if I have made a commitment to someone else. But, commitments to myself, I break. Yes, this is something I frequently discuss with Marcy!!!

We went to the zoo today. Which was a lot of fun. Met friends there. It was really hot!!! But, still fun. The animals were actually pretty lively. Which helped.

Then we went to Bob Evans for dinner since the zoo was handing out free Kids Meal coupons. And our friends showed up!! Perfect!!! Very fun day.

Our water heater has not been working since Friday. Apparently the leak has soaked the pilot so badly, it won't light at all. So, we turn the water off entirely at night and when we are gone. Cold showers are NOT fun!!! Although I kept reminding myself that, at the zoo, I would have paid money for that cold water!! I survived. The kids are taking baths with some added microwaved water. It's no worse than swimming in a cold lake or pool.

Appreciate all the conveniences of life. We've been having issues with water and dishwasher and a good friend hasn't had air conditioning all summer. We are truly spoiled. Take a warm shower and be thankful!

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