Sunday, November 21, 2010

259 - Nov. 21, 2010

Fell off the face of the Earth there for a while, didn't I? Many apologies.

As you can see, the weight is coming off, still. Slowed down appreciably, but that is partly because of food choices, I believe. I have not been as diligent on getting my 100 grams of protein per day. I can always tell when I am low on protein because I don't lose. So, take that as a warning!!! Eat your protein. A friend of mine was showing me all sorts of high protein items she found on a website. It was on Check it out. I know that I can speak to the ProtiDiet options as being yummy. I purchased a wide variety of their bars to have available and they are all pretty good.

The biggest part of eating right is having it available to eat. If it's hard to prepare, you aren't going to eat it. If it's right there and easy to reach, it will be a first choice. I can now eat just about anything that I want. The key is wanting the right things.

Scott and I went to Mongolian BBQ for lunch the other day. My bowl was mostly shrimp, scallops, and crab. I also put some broccoli, sugar peas, and bean sprouts. While eating, I added a small amount of rice. That lasted me three meals. All of which were high in good protein.

In other news, I was a complete idiot and drank way too much on Trick-or-Treat night. A glass of wine gets me tipsy. Well, instead of listening to my body when it was tipsy, I drank more. I ended up drinking a bottle and a half of wine. By myself. I was having a great time! I was cleaning out my old van and had a fire pit going. Yes, drunk and playing with fire.

Then I visited with a friend up the street. Went in to use their restroom. Was fine on the inside steps. Missed one of the outside steps. Sat down hard on the concrete. I can tell I don't have as much padding!!! My butt hurt for days!! The worst part was that I twisted my ankle.

Didn't realize that it was hurting until it had started swelling. So, I hobbled home, put ice on it, and went to bed. Was worse the next morning. Went to Urgent Care and was told I had a sprained ankle. Put me in an air cast and sent me on my way.

Wednesday, 11/3, flew to Florida to visit my parents. Needless to say my ankle didn't fair too well. Thursday I decided it really wasn't healing the way it should be and went to Urgent Care on Friday. They said I had an avulsion (chip off the ankle) and I should be non-weight bearing. Flew home Saturday taking advantage of the wheelchair services of the airports.

Monday, 11/8, went to Orthopedic Foot & Ankle in Westerville. He wanted an MRI because he felt there was soft tissue damage. Scheduled it for Friday at 5. Well, that was a problem. I was going scrapbooking all weekend! In my defense, leaving early made sure I didn't have to drive. :)

Had the MRI done Thursday morning. Met with the Orthopedic Surgeon on Thursday, 11/18. I ripped the tendon that attaches the Fibula to the Talus. As in ripped it from the bone. I split the tendon that goes along the outside of the ankle. As in it caught on the bone as it twisted and actually split in half. And, there is so much swelling inside the joint and a blood clot in there that he wants to clean it out. He said any of the three, he would put me in a hard cast and let it heal. With all three occurring, I'm having surgery. Yes, surgery.

11/22, I will go for my pre-op testing. 11/30 is surgery at Dublin Hospital. Outpatient. Scott is taking the day off so that he can be there with me. Then on 12/6, they will put me in a hard cast. That should be about a week. Then I will transition through various support devices until I can walk without anything. The non-weight bearing part will be 4 weeks. Unless I walk on it, in which case, that will be extended.

So, I am borrowing a wheelchair from a friend and there is a shower chair in the Hartman family. I need to find out how to rent one of those knee scooters.

And, of course, there is another trip to Florida occurring during that time period. I am hoping to be in a removable cast by then. I will definitely still be non-weight bearing, but able to take a shower without sticking my foot out would be nice.

I have thought many times that this could have been so much worse. It could be my driving leg. It could have laid me up in the hospital for a long time. It could have been my head. And, if I still weighed 400 pounds I probably would have done even more damage.

So, am getting along as well as can be expected. Will enjoy my last week of being able to walk. Am fighting hard to stay positive. I tend to wallow whenever I think about it. But, it will all work out.

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