Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2012

Monday is still Monday even on a Tuesday. A four day weekend and I'm more exhausted starting the week than I would have been after a two-day weekend. Go figure.

Frustrating day. First Grade. Half day when I thought it was a full day. She entered it wrong. So, I had a couple of hours. Barely. I had to be back at school because I had arranged for a conference for the boy at 3:45.  And tutoring at 4. Well, 4:20 as it turned out. Until 5:20. Then bank/Kroger. Then Abbi home. Except she forgot her backpack, so home and back again. Hobbit-ish. Got a project done in hours last week. Earned a $25 bonus on a $50 grade level project. Then got a $300 project done a week early. Will be in the hole by the time I get the sub pay and project pay. So hard to dig out of the deep hole I have dug. Need to schedule appt with financial advisor. If Hilliard could hire me right now with my experience and all, I would start at $45k. Don't want to. Need to. If I don't have a sub job tomorrow I need to call Roy, the HR guy and Karen, the financial gal.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Looking up!

So, things are getting better. I have been subbing. Both at Avery and at Davidson. Loving it. Worked 3.5 days last week. Booked for a day for next week. And, got another textbook project. Should only take about 2 days. And am tutoring a neighbor boy. And am going to be tutoring a home instruction child. So, keeping busy. Just as well that none of the other jobs worked out. Guess it is all for a reason!

Had labwork done. Thyroid is normal. A1C is 5.2. I'm officially no long diabetic. Woohoo!! Now to get back on the exercise bandwagon.

Got girl scheduled for high school. And starting the process of boy starting band next year. And selling Girl Scout cookies. And, boy is crossing over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts this weekend. And... it's always something, isn't it? Better than the alternative!!