Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday, Feb 21, 2012

Monday is still Monday even on a Tuesday. A four day weekend and I'm more exhausted starting the week than I would have been after a two-day weekend. Go figure.

Frustrating day. First Grade. Half day when I thought it was a full day. She entered it wrong. So, I had a couple of hours. Barely. I had to be back at school because I had arranged for a conference for the boy at 3:45.  And tutoring at 4. Well, 4:20 as it turned out. Until 5:20. Then bank/Kroger. Then Abbi home. Except she forgot her backpack, so home and back again. Hobbit-ish. Got a project done in hours last week. Earned a $25 bonus on a $50 grade level project. Then got a $300 project done a week early. Will be in the hole by the time I get the sub pay and project pay. So hard to dig out of the deep hole I have dug. Need to schedule appt with financial advisor. If Hilliard could hire me right now with my experience and all, I would start at $45k. Don't want to. Need to. If I don't have a sub job tomorrow I need to call Roy, the HR guy and Karen, the financial gal.

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